Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Night Flight

I write far into the night.

Much in the way that light fails to penetrate the Stygian darkness of a rural cemetery after sunset, sleep fails to penetrate my weary brain.

Not that this doesn't have its benefits...sometimes my most lucid thoughts seem to come to me in the wee hours of the morning; bursting forth with an unbridled clarity that makes my daytime activities pale in comparison. The words flow from me and onto my keyboard at a rate that sometimes cause my fingers to get in the way and hinder my progress.

It's as if sleep is used as a reward for a successful nights writing.

Thus, The Red Eye Report.

So join me on this night flight as we examine the world as I see it. A world that shows itself clearly only at night. A world that reveals itself only under the cover of darkness. A world of mystery and bizarre things that hide within the shadows, their eyes glowing in the dark with black dreams of silent screams.

I write far into the night.

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